Concentrating Solar Power
CSP Technology Studies
Increasing contributions from wind and PV solar require Southwestern US grid operators to address the challenge of steep ramps and multiple daily peaks to balance energy supply and demand.
Solar Dynamics has developed an improved CSP plant design that is optimized for dispatch, capacity, and flexible operation. This system provides a cost-competitive, low carbon option to deliver on-demand capacity and ancillary services to the utility in much the same manner as current gas peaker plants.
For more information please see the SunShot Project Profile or Contact Us

CSP Plant Optimization Study for the California Power Market
This study is taking a fresh look at how CSP technologies can be harnessed to meet the emerging nighttime market for carbon free power generation. The study will attempt to learn from recent project experience, reaching out to important stakeholders to better understand the real and perceived issues affecting competitiveness of CSP. At the same time, we are working to identify areas that are well suited for the development of large CSP power parks, and to consider more innovative ways that CSP projects can be developed, financed, or structured to reduce their costs.
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Owners Technical Specification for Nitrate Salt Systems in CSP Projects
This project is developing Design Basis Documents for parabolic trough and central receiver power plants using nitrate salt as the heat transport fluid and the thermal storage medium. The goals are to
Distill the successful experience with nitrate salt systems from as many commercial projects as possible,
Provide technical bases for equipment design/selection that an owner can impose on an EPC contractor,
Consolidate this information to provide guidance on salt systems that is as broadly applicable to as many projects as possible, and
Work toward an industry consensus on a Design Basis Document.
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Dispatchable solar power enabled by long-duration thermal energy storage
Increasing contributions from wind and PV solar require U.S. grid operators to address the challenge of steep ramps and multiple daily peaks to balance energy supply and demand.
Solar Dynamics has developed an improved CSP plant design that is optimized for dispatch, capacity, and flexible operation. This system provides a cost-competitive option to deliver on-demand solar capacity and ancillary services to the utility in much the same manner as current gas peaking plants.
We are continuing to study how CSP technology can be refined to meet the future needs of U.S. markets. Please see briefs on our current projects below.
These projects are made possible by cost-shared funding support from the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office.
For more information please contact us.